Current thoughts and ideas in this changing world


Current Wisdom

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The Beautiful Chaos

Navigating the changes of 2022 has been a challenge for us all in individual and  Collective ways.

So much of what was familiar has been dramatically transformed into a landscape of social distancing and finding new ways to make those personal connections that we need so desperately to deeply thrive.

 Many of us find ourselves adrift and confused about how we are relating to the world. This is truly a time of great transformation and change!

Personally I am viewing this time as a bridge, a bridge from what we knew in the past, which is the old energy template, to the new world. We have been creating it through our healing work, our dreams and all of the intentions for the healing that we have for our future.

In meditation and connection I have been receiving the guidance that this is a purposeful time of resetting and deepening those relationships that we have that are so instrumental to our development including the relationship that we have with our-self.

 The old world had become outmoded and obsolete to us in its energetic form. Yet we need the energy of the pause or the void to prepare us for what lies on the other side.

We are  Being given this time to reassess what's truly important in our lives and to pick up the pieces we have discarded. Waiting for us are parts of ourself that contain our essence and purpose.

Many of us in the spiritual and healing community are finding new ways to connect with ourselves and one another. It has been challenging to bring the light and wisdom of spirit into the world as had been done in the past. More and more we are finding that we are able to reach out on a global level. through the internet. By connecting with each other regularly through the Internet we are creating a Web of life And light that is more far reaching than what we had created in the past.

Our ancient ancestors knew how to connect with the light and energy grids of the Earth for communication, connection and higher consciousness. Everything was and is connected. We are now rediscovering this in new ways. Soon we will see the beauty and the higher purpose for this state of being we find ourselves in in this very transformational year.